Hello, and thank you for downloading WebColor v1.6. This version of WebColor has many new features which makes it the best HTML color converter you can obtain. Best of all, it's cheap Shareware!

With WebColor, you can easily create colored Web pages such as this one. WebColor will write the entire shell for you HTML document, with TITLE, HTML, and BODY tags. If you create Web pages often, you'll find this tool indispensable.

New in version 1.6!
  • Improved hexadecimal conversion accuracy.
  • Easy color brightness control.
  • Preview window redesigned, now with a bold text option.
  • Pickup window.
  • Remembered window position and height.
  • Percentage view in Get Info box.
  • I-Beam cursor appears in text fields.
  • Improved window efficiency and other general code cleanups.
  • Documentation updated.


Send your $5 Shareware fee to:

WebColor Shareware Fee
1053 Oak Terrace
North Mankato, MN  56003

Other Stuff:

Questions and Comments are always appreciated.

Please distribute WebColor to your friends, coworkers, etc if you think they will enjoy it.